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SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 44, Issue 4, pp. 1351-1800

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Projection Methods and Condition Numbers in Uniform Norm for Fredholm and Cauchy Singular Integral Equations

M. C. De Bonis and G. Mastroianni

pp. 1351-1374

Analysis of Discontinuous Finite Element Methods for Ground Water/Surface Water Coupling

Clint Dawson

pp. 1375-1404

Convergence of an Implicit Finite Element Method for the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert Equation

Sören Bartels and Andreas Prohl

pp. 1405-1419

Analysis of a Multiscale Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Convection-Diffusion Problems

A. Buffa, T. J. R. Hughes, and G. Sangalli

pp. 1420-1440

Truncation Errors in Exponential Fitting for Oscillatory Problems

J. P. Coleman and L. Gr. Ixaru

pp. 1441-1465

A Parallel Method for Backward Parabolic Problems Based on the Laplace Transformation

Jinwoo Lee and Dongwoo Sheen

pp. 1466-1486

Anisotropic Mesh Refinement: The Conditioning of Galerkin Boundary Element Matrices and Simple Preconditioners

Ivan G. Graham and William McLean

pp. 1487-1513

Two-Level Schwarz Algorithms with Overlapping Subregions for Mortar Finite Elements

Hyea Hyun Kim and Olof B. Widlund

pp. 1514-1534

Subspace Trust-Region Methods for Large Bound-Constrained Nonlinear Equations

Stefania Bellavia and Benedetta Morini

pp. 1535-1555

On the Stability of Evolution Galerkin Schemes Applied to a Two-Dimensional Wave Equation System

M. Lukáčová-Medvidová, G. Warnecke, and Y. Zahaykah

pp. 1556-1583

Unconditional Stability of Corrected Explicit-Implicit Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Parallel Approximation of Heat Equations

Han-Sheng Shi and Hong-Lin Liao

pp. 1584-1611

A Domain Decomposition Method Based on Weighted Interior Penalties for Advection-Diffusion-Reaction Problems

Erik Burman and Paolo Zunino

pp. 1612-1638

Subgrid Stabilized Defect Correction Methods for the Navier–Stokes Equations

Songul Kaya, William Layton, and Béatrice Rivière

pp. 1639-1654

Convergence of a Finite Difference Scheme for the Camassa–Holm Equation

Helge Holden and Xavier Raynaud

pp. 1655-1680

Postprocessing the Finite Element Method for Semilinear Parabolic Problems

Yubin Yan

pp. 1681-1702

Error Estimates to Smooth Solutions of Runge–Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Symmetrizable Systems of Conservation Laws

Qiang Zhang and Chi-Wang Shu

pp. 1703-1720

The $L^2$ Norm Error Estimates for the Div Least-Squares Method

Zhiqiang Cai and Jaeun Ku

pp. 1721-1734

Strong Stability for Additive Runge–Kutta Methods

Inmaculada Higueras

pp. 1735-1758

Stability Analysis of Large Time-Stepping Methods for Epitaxial Growth Models

Chuanju Xu and Tao Tang

pp. 1759-1779

Finding Numerical Derivatives for Unstructured and Noisy Data by Multiscale Kernels

Leevan Ling

pp. 1780-1800